Author: Joseph Murphy Anish Das Apu (Translator)
Publication: Muktodesh Prokason
Subject: Translation: Self-Development & Meditation
Pages: 216, Cover: Hard Cover
ISBN: 9789848690475,
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind
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The miracle-working power of your subconscious mind is right before you—it has existed for ages. Eternal truths and the principles of life have been in place long before the emergence of any religion. Keeping this in mind, I urge you to read this book. The initial chapters discuss the incredible power stored within your mind. This book will help heal mental and physical wounds, free you from fear, and liberate you from poverty, failure, sorrow, and despair.
All you need to do is materialize your mental and emotional desires. Your subconscious mind will respond naturally. Begin this process today—right now! Let wonderful things unfold in your life. Maintain this habit until the darkness dissipates, and your life radiates with light.
I used to read self-development books published by Seba Prokashoni, enjoying their storytelling approach. However, I never thought I would translate such a book. One day, young publisher Javed Imon from Muktodesh approached me with Dr. Joseph Murphy’s The Power of Your Subconscious Mind and requested, “Brother, please read this book. You’ll love it. If you don’t, you don’t have to translate it.”
Due to his insistence, I reluctantly started reading. After two chapters, I realized—he was right! The book fascinated me. I had never imagined the subconscious mind possessed such power. I was amazed to discover how I had unknowingly been giving my subconscious commands and seeing results.
For instance, everyone knows I write throughout the night and sleep during the day—a bad habit. Waking up at 2–3 PM meant I lost valuable writing hours. But after reading Dr. Murphy’s book, I learned that if I commanded my subconscious to wake me up at a specific time, it would. So, I instructed my subconscious, “I want to wake up by noon so that I can write for at least two hours during the day.” Believe it or not, now I wake up at exactly 12 PM and manage to write during the day.
This book has helped me change not only my sleep schedule but also other habits. I believe that by reading this book, you too will unlock the incredible potential of your subconscious mind. Javed Imon from Muktodesh wants me to translate more books of this kind, and I am considering accepting his offer.
— Anish Das Apu
Table of Contents
How This Book Can Create Miracles in Your Life
Chapter 1
The Treasure Within You
The Incredible Power of Your Subconscious Mind
The Need for a Methodical Approach
The Dual Nature of the Mind
Conscious and Subconscious Mind
Remarkable Differences and Functional Patterns
How His Subconscious Responded
Key Takeaways
Chapter 2
How Your Mind Works
Differences Between the Conscious and Subconscious Mind
Research by Psychologists
Objective vs. Subjective Mind
The Subconscious Mind Cannot Rationalize Like the Conscious Mind
The Power of Suggestion
Different Responses to the Same Suggestion
How He Reached Out His Hand
How Autosuggestion Eliminated Fear
How He Regained His Lost Memory
How He Controlled His Temper
Have You Accepted Any of These?
You Can Block Negative Suggestions
How a Suggestion Led to Someone’s Death
The Power of Assumed Premises
The Subconscious Mind Does Not Argue
Review of Key Insights
Chapter 3
The Miracle-Working Power of Your Subconscious Mind
Your Subconscious as the Book of Your Life
What Gets Imprinted on the Subconscious Is Manifested
How the Subconscious Controls Your Body’s Functions
How to Make the Subconscious Work for You
Sending Thoughts of Health to Your Subconscious
Key Takeaways
Chapter 4
Ancient Methods of Mental Healing
The Use of Subconscious Power in the Bible
Miraculous Events in Temples Around the World
A Universal Healing Principle
Various Theories on Healing
Bernheim’s Experiments
A Review of Healing Practices
Chapter 5
Mental Healing in Modern Times
The Law of Belief
Prayer Therapy as a Scientific Combination of Conscious and Subconscious Mind Functions
What Does It Mean to Heal Through Faith?
How Absent Treatment Works
The Kinetic Action of the Subconscious Mind
Summary for Regaining Health
Chapter 6
Practical Techniques for Mental Healing
The Passing-Over Technique to Implant in the Subconscious
How the Subconscious Adopts Your Design
The Science and Art of True Prayer
Visualization Techniques
The Mental Movie Method
The Baudoin Technique
The Sleeping Technique
The "Thank You" Technique
Positive Approach
Argumentative Approach
The Final Method Resembling Modern Ultrasound Therapy
How a Paralyzed Man Started Walking Again
The Decree Method
Using Scientific Power for Self-Healing
Chapter 7
The Subconscious Mind Is Life-Oriented
How the Body Reflects Mental States
The Intelligence That Governs Your Body
Good Health Is Natural; Sickness Is Abnormal
How Faith in the Subconscious Mind Can Heal You
Key Points to Remember
Chapter 8
How to Get What You Want
Use Imagination, Not Willpower
Three Steps for Successful Prayer
Why You Receive the Opposite of What You Pray For
Resolving Conflicts Between Desire and Imagination
Key Points to Remember
Chapter 9
How to Use Your Subconscious Mind for Wealth
The Wealth of the Mind
The Unseen Support
The Right Method to Develop Wealth Consciousness
Why Affirmations for Wealth Fail
How to Avoid Mental Conflicts
Don’t Sign Blank Checks
Why Nothing Happens Sometimes
The Source of Wealth
The Main Barrier to Acquiring Wealth
Removing Mental Blocks to Wealth
Sleep and Become Wealthy
Using Mental Power for Financial Success
Chapter 10
The Right to Be Rich
Money as a Symbol
The Royal Road to Wealth
Money and a Balanced Life
Poverty as a Mental Disease
Never Criticize Money
How Scientists View Money
How to Earn the Money You Need
Protecting Your Investments
You Receive Only What You Deserve
Steps to Becoming Wealthy
Chapter 11
The Subconscious Mind as Your Partner in Success
Three Steps to Success
Measuring True Success
How a Sixteen-Year-Old Failure Became Successful
How to Succeed in Buying and Selling
Remember This..