Author: Dr. Norman Vincent Peale Leonard Swapan Gomez (Translator)
Publication: Muktodesh Prokason
Subject: Translation: Self-Development & Meditation
Pages: 304, Cover: Hard Cover
ISBN: 9789848690710,
The Power of Positive Thinking - text written on the book flap
The correct and enlightened guiding light for the lost traveler, 'Norman Vincent Peale' was born on May 31, 1898, into a Christian family in Boersville, Ohio, USA. After completing his education, he began his career as a writer, professional speaker, and clergyman. As long as his work efficiency is maintained, he remains dedicated to humanitarian work throughout his life. Ethnically, he is an American. Mr. Norman Vincent Peale, a representative of ordinary living, has deeply contemplated and researched positive and human-benefiting thoughts throughout his life. Among his numerous self-help books, The Power of Positive Thinking is particularly notable. This distinguished thinker and writer passed away on December 24, 1993, at the age of 95.
The Power of Positive Thinking - book introduction
When I wrote this book, I never imagined that I would have the fortune to celebrate the anniversary of printing two million copies. This is utterly unexpected and unimaginable. Be that as it may, I am sincerely grateful to all the individuals whom I prioritized in providing correct guidance to achieve an active philosophy of life for better living.
The active principles incorporated in this book, which help teach everyone, did not come easily; I had to endure a lot to find a proper path, and amidst all this, I searched for answers to difficult problems in my personal life because I am someone who has had to work with many complicated people. This book is my effort dedicated to my spiritual experience, and in this way, it has reliably assisted me. My sincere realization and belief is that it will similarly help others.
In codifying this simple philosophy of life, I have found answers to my own life's inquiries from the teachings of Jesus Christ. I have merely described these truths in language and thoughtful form so that today's individuals can comprehend them. The proper path of life that this book indicates and testifies to is indeed marvelous. It is not easy. In fact, it is often a difficult task, but it is filled with joy, full of hope, and victory.
I vividly remember that day when I sat down to start writing the book. I knew that to do my best work, I needed more strength than I possessed, and I realized that the help I required could only come from the Creator. Both my wife and I had a thoughtful plan that in all our work and problems, we would accept the Creator as our constant companion. Therefore, we sincerely prayed for His help and proper guidance and entrusted our plans to Him. And when the manuscript was ready to be submitted to the publisher, my wife and I again dedicated it to the Creator with prayer. Our prayer was that the content of this book would assist people in living more fruitful and meaningful lives. When the first two hundred million copies came out from the press, that moment once again became a remarkable spiritual moment for us. We expressed our heartfelt gratitude to the Creator, thanking Him for His help, and once again dedicated the book to Him. The book was written for the ordinary people of this world, confident that I am one of them. I was born and raised in the humble surroundings of a dedicated Christian family in the Midwest. Everyone here was like those I knew and loved with complete trust. When someone among them surrendered themselves to the Creator in absolute trust, they marveled at how divine power and glory were clearly manifested in overcoming their life's struggles. With deep concern, I wrote the book on human sorrow, pain, and the struggles of existence. The book teaches us how to cultivate inner peace, not by escaping from a hostile life and accepting a state of stagnant captivity, but rather by functioning as a center of power from which to emerge.
It is the driving force of constructive individuals and social life. This education teaches the truth of right thought, not for the sake of reputation or fame, not for wealth and power. But it teaches how to overcome the failures of life through the practical application of faith to complete the constructive and valuable values of life. This book is a guide on a difficult and disciplined life path, and it is also true that those who have achieved victory in their lives have indeed triumphed over various adverse and unfavorable conditions in this hostile world. This book undoubtedly brings the unmatched joy of victory to them. Those who apply and practice the vibrant spiritual techniques presented in this book achieve success in real life and have shared their joyous experiences of victory with me, and for those who are still experiencing that ongoing journey, I can express how happy I am! For steadfast and constant support and cooperation, for the companionship of trustworthy friendship. May the great God grant abundant blessings in the use of this book for the welfare and assistance of mankind.