Author: Mawlana Muhammad Abdul Malek
Publication: Markajud Dowa Alislamiya
Subject: Islamic actions and the guide to those actions
Pages: 215, Cover: Hard Cover
ISBN: 9789843337849,
Publisher's note for the book "Common Mistakes": In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. All praise is due to Allah and peace be upon His chosen servants. To begin with, the monthly magazine Al-Kawsar of Markazud Dawah Al-Islamia Dhaka has been regularly published for the past 11 years. Alhamdulillah, due to His grace, this magazine has gained widespread recognition among scholars, students, and all classes of Muslims. Readers believe that Al-Kawsar plays a significant role in meeting the educational and religious needs of Bengali speakers. One recurring section that readers have favored since the beginning is "Common Mistakes." Various types of mistakes spread in society due to illiteracy, misinformation, and fragmented education. Sometimes, mistakes arise from unintentional pronunciation errors. However, it is always desirable for any mistake, regardless of its cause, to be corrected. The monthly Al-Kawsar is making that effort. Due to its popularity, the first compilation of "Common Mistakes" (up to December 2011) was published by Rahnuma Publications in November 2012. Since then, due to high demand, they have had to publish the book multiple times. We express our gratitude to them for presenting the compilation to readers for the first time and for its beautiful publication and distribution over the past few years. After the expiration of the publication period of the book in their hands, it is now being published by the publication department of Markazud Dawah Al-Islamia Dhaka. Here, the "Common Mistakes" compiled from Muharram 1426 Hijri to Muharram 1433 Hijri have been included. Before reprinting, it has been revisited by Darut Tasneef of Markazud Dawah Al-Islamia Dhaka. Nevertheless, if any errors or inconsistencies are noticed by anyone, we request you to inform us so that they can be corrected in the next edition. May Allah, the Most High, accept the efforts of Markazud Dawah, Maulana Muhammad Abdul Malek, and the monthly Al-Kawsar, grant the best rewards to all well-wishers and all involved, keep them well in this world and the Hereafter, and make this compilation of "Common Mistakes" beneficial for Muslims. Ameen. Abul Hasan Muhammad Abdullah Rais, Markazud Dawah Al-Islamia Dhaka.
Numerical Index: * Wrong Belief: Not having the first sale on credit after opening the shop, not taking returns/31
* Not a Hadith: Seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave/32
* Wrong Pronunciation: 'Aqamat' 'Musawwadah' 'Al-Bismillah'/33
* Wrong Incident: The game of slaughtering goats of Jabir's (RA) two young sons/33
* Wrong Belief: Mentioning the name of Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) without ablution/34
* Not a Hadith: The one who has no spiritual guide, his guide is the devil/35
* Wrong Incident: The weeping of Hazrat Hasan-Hussain (RA) for new Eid clothes/35
* Wrong Pronunciation: Ahmed/Ahammed/36
* Khairul/Shafiqur/37
* Wrong Name: Nabiullah/37
* Rasul Mia/37
* Several Mistakes in Salam/37
* Incorrect Expression: Wrestling with death/39
* Wrong Proverb: Will the Mahabharata become invalid?/39
* The Imaginary Image: Burak of the Prophet/39
* A Dangerous Fabricated Hadith: I am 'Ahmed' without 'Meem' and 'Arab' without 'Ain/40
* Mistake in Name: Mursalīn/Muttaqīn/41
* Incorrect Use of a Name: Abdul/41
* A Wrong Method of Giving Salam/41
* Wrong Incident: Hazrat Abdul Qadir Jilani (RA) taking the shape of a tiger/42
* Wrong Custom: The deceased before the Janaza prayer........
.............. grants knowledge of unknown matters to him/193
* A Ritual: Observing Fatiha in their memory/194
* Mistaken practice: Going into Ruku without saying Takbeer-e-Tahreem in Salah/195
* Not a Hadith: In response to the Azan, men will receive one lakh blessings, women will receive two lakh blessings/196
* An evil custom: Washing the bride's feet before entering the in-laws' home/196
* Two misconceptions: (a) Is it Sunnah to wash hands after eating? /197
* (b) Is it Sunnah to wipe hands on the face and soles after eating? /197
* A question-answer regarding wiping hands on the face and soles after eating/198
* Is ablution necessary for repentance? /203
* Not a Hadith: The Prophet took twenty-seven years on the Night of Ascension /205
* Not a Hadith: When purity spreads over a population, the sky then bears the blood of martyrs/206
* Mistaken thought: Is it prohibited to point towards the grave? /207
* Incorrect information: Is Surma created from the manifestation of Tur? /207
* Misconception: Does no tree grow in the grave if one does not bring news of hardship? /207
* Misconception: Was there no tailor during the time of the noble Messenger, peace be upon him? /208
* Incorrect information: Is everything printed in the Munaajat Mukhbuli a collection of Thanvi Rah.'s works? /208
* Misconception: Was Zafar Ahmad Usmani Rah. the brother of Shabbir Ahmad Usmani Rah.? /209
* Not a Hadith: Conduct transactions like strangers and your mutual behavior should be like brothers/210
* Incorrect mas'ala: Should one say 'A'udhu billah' and 'Bismillah' at the beginning of At-Tahiyyat? /210
* Incorrect mas'ala: Should every worshipper say 'A'udhu billah' and 'Bismillah' after the Sana? /210
* A baseless incident: O Noah! Break the ship /211
* Correct pronunciation and writing of names/212
* Incorrect mas'ala: Is it necessary for the number of shares in Qurbani to be odd? /213
* An unrealistic claim: Are they really the Imams of the Shia? /213