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Quran o Sunnaher Aloke Jannat o Jahannam

Author: Shaykh Aftab Uddin Faruq

Publication: Muslim Village


Pages: 96, Cover: Hard Cover

Language:Bangla & Arabic

ISBN: 9789849421818,

126 ৳ 180 ৳ 30% ছাড়

The ultimate desire in a believer's life is to attain Paradise and be saved from Hell. But why? What makes people so eager for Paradise and afraid of Hell? It is nothing but through discussions in the Quran and Hadith that we have come to know the descriptions of Paradise and Hell, and we have accepted them wholeheartedly. And this is the purpose of such discussions in the Quran and Hadith.

But we are heedless and indifferent. Entranced by the fleeting glamour of this world, we have completely forgotten about our true destination. We are spending our days in schemes and thoughts of acquiring the world, turning away from the path of attaining the Hereafter. In the busyness of decorating a mere sixty years of life, we are losing the vast wealth of the Hereafter.

In the present booklet, 'Paradise and Hell in the Light of the Quran and Sunnah,' some descriptions and examples of Paradise and Hell have been compiled from the Quran and Sunnah. The aim is that by reading it, an indomitable desire to attain Paradise and a yearning to be saved from Hell will be created within ourselves and among our Muslim brothers, and as a result, their good deeds will increase, and they will turn away from sinful actions and direct their lives solely on the path of Allah. May Allah guide the readers, writers, and all those involved through this, Amen.

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