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Hijab (Nijeke abrito korun)

Author: Zainab Binte Muhammad Ali

Publication: Maktabatul Kolb

Subject: Purdah system

Pages: 152, Cover: Pepar Back



160 ৳ 230 ৳ 30.43% ছাড়

Dear sister! Be very diligent in performing the prayers on time, observe the voluntary fasts in addition to the fasts of Ramadan, finish the Quran two to three times a year, perform the holy Hajj and Umrah multiple times, and pay your zakat carefully. But why do you not cover yourself with hijab? The hijab is the command of Allah (SWT), His directive. So why are you not afraid of the punishment of the Lord regarding hijab? Death may come suddenly. Thousands of pleas and cries will not stop death. Therefore, there is no waiting for old age. Now is the time for surrender, for returning to the Lord's court. You know that a man is accustomed to looking at a woman with desire, which is why it is essential to be very conscious about keeping your body completely covered to suppress their enticing urges. When you cover your entire body, head, and eyes with a black hijab, you will feel empowered as a Muslim. Know that when you conceal your entire body, your dignity will increase. In this way, you will be esteemed.

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