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আপনিও হতে পারেন বিশ্বের সবচেয়ে সুখী নারী

Author: Dr. Ayid Al Karoni

Publication: Islam House Publications

Subject: Islamic Book: Self-Development

Pages: , Cover:



170 ৳ 325 ৳ 47.69% ছাড়

Every person in the world strives to attain happiness. Some are even willing to spend their entire wealth to achieve it. Many, in their relentless pursuit of this invaluable happiness, go to the extent of disregarding legality and morality, and even waging wars.

Yet, the unfortunate truth is that none of them can achieve complete happiness. Instead, they leave this temporary world with a sense of incompleteness as they journey to the grave. Does this mean there is no way to be truly happy? Are there no truly happy people on this earth? And if there is indeed a path to happiness, what is it? What does it look like? How can one tread that path? How proven and feasible is it?

The answers to these questions, along with guidance on how a Muslim woman can develop herself into a content and prosperous individual amidst the people of the world, are provided in this book.

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