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হযরত আয়েশা সিদ্দিকা (রাঃ) এর জীবনী

Author: Hazrat Maolana Mohammod Muslem Uddin

Publication: World of Education

Subject: Biographies of Great Women

Pages: 80, Cover: Hard Cover



60 ৳ 100 ৳ 40% ছাড়

Some words about the book "The Biography of Hazrat Aisha Siddiqah (RA)":

There is controversy regarding the exact time, moment, and date of the birth of Hazrat Aisha. Historians have not been able to determine this precisely. However, the famous historian Ibn Sayad wrote that Ummul-Mu'mineen Hazrat Aisha was born in the early part of the fourth year of Prophethood. Other historians have written that Hazrat Aisha was born in the second year of Prophethood.

Regardless of her exact birth date, when Hazrat Aisha came into the world from the womb of Umm Ruman into the household of Hazrat Abu Bakr, no one could have predicted that this little girl would later be written in golden letters in history as one of the most renowned women in history. Who could have imagined that this girl would be the beloved and cherished companion of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), the beloved of Allah, the leader of all messengers, and the seal of the Prophets?

According to the traditions of Arabia and the customs of the Quraysh tribe, Hazrat Aisha was entrusted to the care of the wife of Wa'il for her upbringing. Wa'il's wife raised her with great love and care. Wa'il himself had a deep affection for Hazrat Aisha. Later, Wa'il and his family, including his brother, would come to inquire about Hazrat Aisha. One day, Wa'il's brother, Aflaah, came to visit Hazrat Aisha. By this time, she had matured and was living in the household of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Hazrat Aisha, with the permission of the Prophet (PBUH), met him and exchanged pleasantries. Her foster brothers would also visit her regularly.

This clearly shows that Hazrat Aisha was very close and dear to the family of Wa'il, further solidifying her close bond with them.

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