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উম্মুল মুমিনীন আয়েশা রাদ্বিয়াল্লাহু ‘আনহা জীবন ও কর্ম

Author: Syed Sulaiman Nadvi (RA) Mizanur Rahman Fakir Dr. Mohammad Manjure Ilahi

Publication: Alokito Prokashoni

Subject: Biographies of Great Women

Pages: 800, Cover: Hard Cover


ISBN: 9789849611769,

731 ৳ 974 ৳ 24.95% ছাড়

Ummul Mumineen Aisha Radhiallahu Anha [Life and Works]

This book focuses on the extraordinary life, character, and contributions of one of Islam's greatest women, Ummul Mumineen Aisha Radhiallahu Anha. She was the beloved wife of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and a shining light in his life, always bringing joy and warmth to the household with her presence. The Prophet (SAW) affectionately called her "Humayra," and said, "The superiority of Aisha over other women is like the superiority of tharid (a traditional dish) over all other foods." (Bukhari: 3411)

Her significance extended beyond the Prophet's household. Even the heavens and angels revered her. The angel Jibril (AS) sent his greetings to her (Bukhari: 3768), and she was the place where divine revelation came to Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

The book not only presents Aisha Radhiallahu Anha's biography but also provides a deep look into history, knowledge, literature, faith, and the unique contributions of a woman in Islamic society. It highlights her role as an important figure in Islam, challenging the notion that women's roles are confined to the home, and shows how they can actively contribute to all spheres of life within the boundaries of Shariah.

In today's world, where moral decline and family disintegration are on the rise, Aisha Radhiallahu Anha's biography reminds us that compassion, responsibility, and mutual respect are essential for building a healthy society. The lessons from her life are applicable to both women and men, teaching us how to maintain love, sacrifice, and responsibility in family life. Each chapter of her life reflects these values and continues to inspire individuals across generations.

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