/ Allama Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (Rahimahullah)
Allama Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (Rahimahullah) was a renowned Islamic scholar, jurist, exegete, hadith expert, and a pioneer in medical sciences. His full name was Abu Abdullah Shamsuddin Muhammad bin Abu Bakr bin Ayyub ad-Dimashqi. He was born in 691 Hijri in Damascus, where his father served as the administrator of Al-Jawziyyah Madrasa, earning the title Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (caretaker of Al-Jawziyyah). This title later became a hallmark of their family lineage. Ibn Qayyim (Rahimahullah) was a devoted student of Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (Rahimahullah) and remained with him until his teacher's death. He accompanied his teacher in battles and imprisonment, reflecting unwavering loyalty. Ibn Qayyim gained prominence for his commitment to Islamic creed (Aqidah), Tawheed (monotheism), and his opposition to innovations (Bid'ah) in religion. His exceptional devotion to worship and scholarship earned him widespread respect. Notable Works Some of his significant contributions include: “Zad al-Ma'ad fi Hady Khayr al-Ibad” “Madarij al-Salikin” “Shifa al-Alil” “Tibb al-Nabawi” (his remarkable work in prophetic medicine). Teachers He acquired knowledge and guidance from prominent scholars, including: Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah (Rahimahullah) Ahmad bin Abdul Daim al-Maqdisi (Rahimahullah) His father, Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (Rahimahullah) Ahmad bin Abdur Rahman an-Nablusi (Rahimahullah) Students Many notable scholars benefited from his knowledge, including: Burhan al-Din Ibrahim bin Ibn al-Qayyim Imam Ibn Rajab (Rahimahullah) Hafiz Ibn Kathir (Rahimahullah) Devotion and Legacy Ibn Qayyim (Rahimahullah) was a tireless worshipper, often engrossed in Tahajjud prayers and reciting the Qur'an. His scholarly and spiritual contributions are invaluable treasures for the Muslim Ummah. He passed away in 751 Hijri and was buried beside his father in Bab al-Saghir cemetery in Damascus. His profound works continue to inspire and guide generations of Muslims.
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